MacDiarmid Institute finalists for the KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards

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MacDiarmid Institute finalists for the KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards

23 September, 2020

Three MacDiarmid Institute researchers are among the 12 finalists selected for the annual KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards. In its eight year, the KiwiNet Awards celebrate individuals and organisations leading research commercialisation within New Zealand's universities, Crown research institutes and other research organisations.

1 v6Associate Professor Aaron Marshall - University of Canterbury

Associate Investigator Aaron Marshall is one of three finalists for the Norman Barry Foundation Breakthrough Innovator Award for entrepreneurial researchers making outstanding contributions to business innovation.

Aaron Marshall is an Associate Professor at the University of Canterbury and co-founder of Zincovery, an award-winning startup tackling waste from galvanised steel. Along with Jonathan Ring, he developed a process to recover high purity zinc, iron and acid from material that would otherwise become expensive landfill.


2 v4Dr Eldon Tate - Victoria University of Wellington

PhD alumnus Dr Eldon Tate has also been selected as a finalist for the Norman Barry Foundation Breakthrough Innovator Award for co-founding the startup Inhibit Coatings.

While completing his PhD at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington, Eldon developed antimicrobial technology that can be applied to surfaces. After founding Inhibit Coatings in 2016, he now has his sights set on using the technology to keep people safe in food and healthcare industries.


3 v4Professor Jim Johnston - Victoria University of Wellington

Emeritus Investigator Jim Johnston is one of four finalists for the Baldwins Researchers Entrepreneur Award for researchers who have demonstrated a history of creating and supporting innovative businesses in New Zealand.

Jim Johnston is a Professor at Victoria University of Wellington and is a world-renowed inorganic and materials chemist who is passionate about adding value to industry and the New Zealand economy. Professor Johnson has been involved in countless new ventures and technologies, most recently including Inhibit Coatings Limited.