As a Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE), we value the free exchange of ideas and respectful debate, and we understand our responsibilities in ensuring that our community supports these values. The MacDiarmid Institute is therefore committed to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at our hosted and sponsored events.
Harassment and hostile behaviour are unwelcome at any MacDiarmid Institute event. This includes speech or behaviour (including in public presentations and online discourse) that intimidates, creates discomfort, or interferes with a person’s participation or opportunity for participation in the event.
We aim for MacDiarmid Institute events to be an environment where harassment in any form does not happen, including but not limited to harassment based on: Race, Gender, Religion, Age, Colour, National origin, Ancestry, Disability, Sexual Orientation, or Gender Identity.
It is the responsibility of the community as a whole to promote an inclusive and positive environment for our scholarly activities. In addition, any participant who experiences harassment or hostile behaviour may contact any current member of the MacDiarmid Institute Leadership Team or contact [nominated person for event] who is usually available at the registration desk of the event.
Please be assured that if you approach us, your concerns will be kept in strict confidence, and we will consult with you on any actions taken.
This policy should be posted prominently on all event webpages, with a notice of a list of people who can be contacted by community members with concerns. In case of a formal complaint, the contacted MacDiarmid Institute representative(s) will first speak to all parties involved to try to resolve the issue – without presupposition of guilt.
For MacDiarmid Institute sponsored events, a condition of sponsorship is that event organisers develop and adopt a similar code of conduct or harassment policy, post that policy prominently on event websites, and provide contact details for the event attendees in case of complaint.
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The MacDiarmid Institute is committed to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at our hosted and sponsored events.Return to the Code of Conduct and policies page.
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