Supporting the teachers

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Supporting the teachers

31 March, 2021

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Principal Investigator, Professor Jadranka Travas-Sejdic.

We continued our partnership with NanoGirl Labs last year to deliver science videos for children learning at home during the Level 4 lockdown.

The video series Breaking it Down, aired on TVNZ during the day, with episodes covering ‘Materials’, ‘Energy and Electricity’ and ‘Mixtures’, including interviews with Co-Directors, Professor Justin Hodgkiss, Associate Professor Nicola Gaston, and Principal Investigator, Professor Jadranka Travas-Sejdic.

Founder & CEO of Nanogirl Labs, Joe Davis, says NanoGirl Labs had a clear vision - to support the nation’s teachers delivering science learning during a profoundly challenging time, and to take that opportunity to shift the conversation. "The MacDiarmid Institute - longtime partners in our STEM outreach mission - were the first to step up and get behind our vision for Breaking it Down, and as a result, hundreds of thousands of Kiwis have been exposed to STEM learning who would not otherwise."


We are, as always, incredibly grateful for the MacDiarmid team’s vision and support.

Joe Davis Founder & CEO NanoGirl Labs