12 March, 2015
Korero With Scientists resources are available to download here.
Kōrero with Scientists: brings primary and early childhood educators and scientists together in ways that help teachers to understand and deliver the Nature of Science curriculum.
The kōrero will demonstrate how scientists do science, give participants hands-on experience in experimental science and explain the underlying concepts. Participants will be supported to implement a science activity in their school or centre.
In 2015 each group of participants will attend two kōrero:
In the first, scientists and teachers will explore three hands-on experiments. A group of teachers from each school or centre will then be assigned a scientist to help the group plan a follow-up project/activity at their school. Teachers can consult with a scientist over the following (approximately) three months as they develop and implement their activity.
In the second kōrero, each group of teachers will present their project and discuss their experiences with the scientists and other participants.
The programme is a partnership between the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and NZEI Te Riu Roa. The MacDiarmid Institute meets the costs of the programme; the kōrero are free to participants.
For primary school teachers:
Christchurch: March 18, June 4
Wellington: March 24, June 23
Auckland: March 31, June 30
For early childhood educators (provisional)
Christchurch: May 13, August 12
Wellington: May 19, August 18
Auckland: May 26, August 25