DiscoveryCamp alumni talk about their time on the camp

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DiscoveryCamp alumni talk about their time on the camp

22 August, 2019

DiscoveryCamp 2020Two DiscoveryCamp alumni, Mariah and Eden, reflect on their time at the camp and where it has led them since.

Hosted by the MacDiarmid Institute, DiscoveryCamp is a week-long science camp for current year 12 and 13 Māori and Pacific Island students with a genuine passion for the sciences.

Applications for DiscoveryCamp 2023 are now closed. Let us know if you would like to be notified when applications open for 2024.

Mariah talks about DiscoveryCamp

August 22, 2019

"Before doing DiscoveryCamp I knew that I liked maths and science but I didn't even know what engineering was. And afterwards I knew for sure that's the career path I wanted to go down."

Mariah DiscoveryCamp alumna

Eden encourages students to apply for DiscoveryCamp

August 22, 2019

"Be brave and challenge the norm. Not just for yourself but for the rest of the tribe as well."

Eden DiscoveryCamp alumnus