14 September, 2018
The MacDiarmid Institute is pleased to share the following successes from MacDiarmid researchers in this year’s MBIE Endeavour fund round. All up, these grants come to around $28M, which is shared with non-MacDiarmid research collaborators in many cases (not all listed below).
Addressing the need for magnetic memory to enable superconducting computing
Ben Ruck, Franck Natali, Joe Trodahl, Simon Granville, Bob Buckley, Michele Governale
Tuneable monolithic magnetoresistive sensors for asset management
John Kennedy, Grant Williams, Simon Granville, Jérôme Leveneur, Guy Dubuis
Beyond myrtle rust: Next-generation tools to ‘engineer’ forest ecosystem resilience to plant pathogens
Volker Nock (led by Landcare Research partners)
Photonic Device for Rapid Prostate Cancer Detection and Mapping
Cather Simpson (led by Claude Aguergaray)
Highly efficient solar-to-hydrogen energy conversion based on innovative nanophotonic platform
Richard Blaikie
Superhydrophobic lenses – Merging water droplets for fast surface ejection, preventing ice-formation
Richard Blaikie and Geoff Willmott (led by Sam Lowrey)
Energy harvesting from ambient heat using transparent thermoelectric materials
John Kennedy and Ben Ruck
Water purification using solar energy captured by natural photonic crystals
Involves Grant Williams and Bob Buckley (led by Gerald Smith)