Funding successes - Annual Report 2021

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Funding successes - Annual Report 2021

9 May, 2022

2021 Marsden Grants

Mathew Anker
Victoria University of Wellington
Molecular Indium Phosphide: A Bottom-Up Approach to the Synthesis of InP Materials
Martin Allen, Roger Reeves and Nicola Gaston*
University of Canterbury and University of Auckland
Thinking outside the square! Discovering the design rules for a new class of highly-functional nanomaterials
Peng Cao
University of Auckland
Keeping spatters at bay and in situ synthesis
Simon Granville, Joe Trodahl* and Kai Chen*
Victoria University of Wellington
Magnetism without angular momentum; High speed low power cryogenic memory
Nicola Gaston and Krista Steenbergen
University of Auckland and Victoria University of Wellington
Designing nanopatterns: exploring the “dark world” of binary liquid metals
Eric Le Ru
Victoria University of Wellington
Electromagnetic scattering by particles of arbitrary size and shape with application to microplastics
Natalie Plank
Victoria University of Wellington
How the nose knows? - Understanding the mechanisms in insect olfactory biosensor devices

*Contributing as an AI

Royal Society Fellowships

Geoff Waterhouse
University of Auckland
Catalysing the Decarbonisation of New Zealand’s Energy Sector (James Cook Research Fellowship in Physical Sciences)

2021 MBIE Smart Ideas Funding

Catherine Bishop
University of Canterbury
Production of technology-critical, strategic metals using molten oxide electrolysis
Shen Chong
Victoria University of Wellington
Optics-based distributed magnetic field and temperature sensor for enhanced power infrastructure reliability

Three-dimensional fluorescent optical memory for long-term data storage and preservation
Jenny Malmström
University of Auckland
Harnessing the magic of biological materials to make biodegradable electronic devices
Aaron Marshall
University of Canterbury
Designing electrocatalytic electrodes to increase performance and lower the cost of redox flow batteries
Viji Sarojini
University of Auckland
Sequentially knock out Phytophthora life stages: An effective solution to protect plants

2021 Other MBIE Funding

Sally Brooker
University of Otago
Aotearoa: Green Hydrogen Technology Platform (Advanced Energy Technology Platform, Strategic Science Investment Fund)

APRA Project Green Hydrogen (Catalyst: Strategic Fund)
Shaun Hendy
University of Auckland
Covid Modelling (Covid Innovation)
John Kennedy
GNS Science
Wirelessly Powered Transport Infrastructure for a Low-carbon Future (Research Programme, Endeavour Fund)

Sustainable and recyclable battery technology (Catalyst: Seeding General)
Ben Mallett
Victoria University of Wellington
Thrust measurement of small-scale electric propulsion systems incorporating cryogenic technologies and high magnetic fields (Catalyst: Strategic Fund)
Aaron Marshall
University of Canterbury
New Zealand - Germany Green Hydrogen Research (Catalyst :Strategic Fund)
Volker Nock
University of Canterbury
Growing Futures Horticulture Goes Urban programme - New Plants for a New World (Strategic Science Investment Fund, Plant and Food Research Programme)
Grant Williams
Victoria University of Wellington
Developing semiconductor thin films as radiation sensors (Catalyst: Seeding General)

2021 HRC (Health Research Council) Grants

Charles Unsworth
University of Auckland
Neural Chip Platforms for Drug Translation in Paediatric brainstem Gliomas
Jadranka Travas-Sejdic
University of Auckland
Printed sensing strips for sensitive and reliable detection of SARS-CoV-2

2021 NSC (National Science Challenge) Grants

Jack Chen
Auckland University of Technology
Commercialisation Development of Spherelose (2021-SfTI-IAP03-AUTV)

ISO Standards testing of cellulose-based surfactants (2021-SfTI-IAP02-AUT)
Prasanth Gupta
GNS Science
Novel Hybrid-Plasma Synthesis of Single Atom Catalysts
Jadranka Travas-Sejdic
University of Auckland
Tools for detection and management: Phytophthora agathidicida biosensor development

2021 Domestic Funding – Other

Bapiste Auguié
Victoria University of Wellington
Summer Scholarships Scheme (Dodd-Walls Centre)
Ebu Avci
Massey University
Pill Sized Robotic Capsule to Collect Gut Microbiota and Digesta Palmerston North Medical Research Fund
Jack Chen
Auckland University of Technology
KiwiNet PreSeed Accelerator Funding
Matthew Cowan
University of Canterbury
Consulting work for OSSIS
Renwick Dobson
University of Canterbury
KiwiNet Tier 1 Funding
Vladimir Golovko
University of Canterbury
Enabling green hydrogen future of New Zealand: Medium Energy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy studies of novel catalysts for H2 production and utilisation and NZ rock samples from potential H2 storage reservoirs (New Zealand Synchrotron Group Strategic)
Shaun Hendy
University of Auckland
COVID-19 Modelling Services DMPC
Volker Nock
University of Canterbury
Multiplexing plant physiological research using a novel bi-directional dual-flow-RootChip platform Brian Mason Trust
Geoffrey Jameson
Massey University
Stopping cancer evolution with inhibitors of APOBEC3 enzymes KiwiNet Tier 1 Funding
Geoff Willmott
University of Auckland
Spray and particle testing Fee for service

2021 International Funding

Catherine Bishop
University of Canterbury
Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition CRC
Laura Domigan
University of Auckland
Consulting project - Novoviah Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd
Vladimir Golovko
University of Canterbury
Narrow Bandgap Photocatalysts for High-Efficiency Renewable Hydrogen AC21
Kim McKelvey
Victoria University of Wellington
An electricity to fuels research and deployment platform for Ireland SEAI Research, Development & Demonstration Funding Programme

2021 University Internal Funding

Mathew Anker
Victoria University of Wellington
Styrene based plastics: doing the dirty work of the green economy Faculty Strategic Research Grant

Green Plastics Faculty Strategic Research Grant
Ebu Avci
Massey University
Capsule Robot to Advance Management of Gastrointestinal Disease Massey University Strategic Research Excellence Fund
Peng Cao
University of Auckland
Magnesium hydride nanoparticles for hydrogen storage with high ambient-temperature absorption and desorption kinetics
Faculty Research Development Fund
Jack Chen
Auckland University of Technology
Sustainable cellulose-based surfactants AUT Ventures
Matthew Cowan
University of Canterbury
College funding to support development of an online adsorbent database
Nathaniel Davis
Victoria University of Wellington
Grant to develop LSC fabrication capacity University Research Fund
Simon Granville
Victoria University of Wellington
Toward next-generation terahertz spectrometer with spintronics emitter and advanced femtosecond laser Faculty Strategic Research Grant
Muhammad Hanif
University of Auckland
Design of light-activatable metal complexes as anticancer agents Performance Based Research Fund
Jonathan Kitchen
Massey University
Supramolecular Materials Discovery: On surface lanthanide based systems Massey University Strategic Research Excellence Fund
Erin Leitao
University of Auckland
Mechanoradical-Mediated Fine Chemical Synthesis Performance Based Research Fund
Luke Liu 
Victoria University of Wellington
Porous Organic Materials as Both Cathode and Anode Materials for Non-Flammable Batteries Faculty of Science Additional Research Support Grant
Jenny Malmström
University of Auckland
Making artificial scars to understand heart healing and treatment  Faculty Research Development Fund

Low-cost, point-of-use water treatment system with conductive polymer-based photocatalyst Faculty Research Development Fund
Kim McKelvey
Victoria University of Wellington
Faculty Strategic Research Grant
Volker Nock
University of Canterbury
Capillaric microfluidics for improved testing in the wine industry Innovation Jumpstart

Multiplexing plant physiological research using a novel bi-directional dual-flow-RootChip platform Summer Studentship

Multiplexing plant physiological research using a novel bi-directional dual-flow-RootChip platform 
College of Engineering Strategic Research Grant

In the dark, but well informed: How do plant roots sense water stress and pathogens? BIC PhD Scholarship

A flexible microdevice for mechanical cell stimulation and compression in microfluidic settings Open Access Fund
Jadranka Travas-Sejdic
University of Auckland
Faculty Research Development Fund x2 (AI)
Geoff Willmott
University of Auckland
Nature-inspired smart carriers for targeted delivery of antimicrobials into food and agricultural systems University of Auckland Food and Health Programme
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